Colección: Midwest Rock Chic

Beautifully handmade wire wrapped and weaved jewelry. As a small business owner, I started my business by mining my own flint. I would heat treat the flint, tumble, knap it into arrowheads, or wrap into jewelry. Customers can purchase flint by the piece or by the pound. The flint is raw or tumbled. Most of the work that I create, is commission work. If you have a special crystal or stone, I would be happy to work with you and wrap it into something that you can wear and enjoy. Unique gifts for everyone. I also specialize in wrapping ethically source animal bones and prosthetic eyes. Let me know if you have any questions!

Midwest Rock Chic

Stoned Wraps le da la bienvenida al mercado de artesanos de envoltura de alambre

Sumérjase en el mundo del arte del envoltura de alambre con nuestra diversa selección de piezas hechas a mano por talentosos artesanos de todo el mundo.

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