Colección: Alien Paisley Adornments

I am a hobby metalsmith and have been at it for almost a year now. I very quickly fell in love with the beautifully intricate pendants that I've seen people make with just wire. Chalk full of the respectful envy I felt of those other creators, I dove in headfirst with wire wrapping. Soon after, I became obsessed and wanted to keep pushing myself to learn the skills of a bench jeweler. Right now I am soaking up all of the knowledge I can from different places while attempting to assemble a working studio for myself, and start a small business to help finance fabrication tools. Thanks so much for taking the time to read and checking out my page!


Alien Paisley Adornments

Stoned Wraps le da la bienvenida al mercado de artesanos de envoltura de alambre

Sumérjase en el mundo del arte del envoltura de alambre con nuestra diversa selección de piezas hechas a mano por talentosos artesanos de todo el mundo.